EzCad2UNI Users Manual
pulsing after the FPS delay has expired. Otherwise Q-switch pulsing begins at the end of the Start
TC delay and coincidentally with the beginning of the FPK signal.
First Pulse Killer ( F.P.K): the lasting time for the first pulse suppression
Pulse width reverse: Reverse the PWM signal. See figure 10-25
Figure 10-25 pulse width reverse
Enable Power Analog Output: Enable the control card to output analog signal which used
to control laser power.
Power Mapping: This is power emendation function, used to set the power percentages of
the customized and the corresponding one, as Figure 10-26 shows. If the customized power
percentage is not in the displays of the Power dialog box, the system will pick the linearity margin
Enable Frequency Analog Output: Enable the control card to output analog signal which
used to control Q-Switch frequency
Frequency Mapping: This is frequency emendation function, used to set the frequency
percentages of the customized and the corresponding one, as Figure 10-27 shows.
Enable CO2 FPK: can wipe off the burn-in effect at the start.
Enable CO2 Pulse Mode: When selected, the point dist will appear in the parameter, and the
software will be calculated the scan speed according to the setting. The marking points will meet
the setting with this speed.
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